intonation Solutions

This page is the culmination of my San Jose State Master's Degree project where I explored how to effectively perform a cappella repertoire by presenting a system of rehearsal and score study strategies based on the three main tuning systems for vocal music, Pythagorean Tuning, Just Intonation, and Equal Temperament.

I felt this is needed because most choral ensembles perform a cappella repertoire, specifically Renaissance repertoire, using and thus emulating Equal Temperament, though this was not codified until the early 20th century. With a mathematical and harmonic analysis of all three systems, this project resulted in the paper found below as well as these 5 videos that will support and apply the most appropriate tuning choices for a cappella choral repertoire.

I hope you enjoy and feel free to contact me for questions or critiques. 

~ Brian Dehn

How to use this page:


The paper that outlines this project is found below. I ask that you read the paper first, then watch the videos. The paper has all the history, supportive mathematical processes, and initial techniques. The videos themselves are not just a summary of the paper but application of the techniques along with visual aids.

These videos are designed as a study tool for the director and not necessarily classroom materials. Without context, much of the concepts would be hard to follow.

Once you learn the techniques introduced, you would simply be able to hear with a better sense of purpose, rehearse more efficiently, and even guide (teach and conduct) with greater accuracy.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy!

Video 1

Intonation Solutions for a cappella Choral Repertoire: Pythagorean Tuning (3-limit), Just Intonation (5-limit), and Equal Temperament Concepts and Applications in Choral Rehearsal By Brian Dehn These videos are part of a project that will show how to effectively perform a cappella repertoire by presenting a system of rehearsal and score study strategies based on the three main tuning systems for vocal music, Pythagorean Tuning, Just Intonation, and Equal Temperament.


video 2

Pythagorean Tuning: Ubi Caritas (chant) and Te Lucis Ante Terminum (Tallis)


Video 3

Intonation Solutions for a cappella Choral Repertoire: Pythagorean Tuning (3-limit), Just Intonation (5-limit), and Equal Temperament Concepts and Applications in Choral Rehearsal By Brian Dehn These videos are part of a project that will show how to effectively perform a cappella repertoire by presenting a system of rehearsal and score study strategies based on the three main tuning systems for vocal music, Pythagorean Tuning, Just Intonation, and Equal Temperament.


Video 4

Intonation Solutions for a cappella Choral Repertoire: Pythagorean Tuning (3-limit), Just Intonation (5-limit), and Equal Temperament Concepts and Applications in Choral Rehearsal By Brian Dehn These videos are part of a project that will show how to effectively perform a cappella repertoire by presenting a system of rehearsal and score study strategies based on the three main tuning systems for vocal music, Pythagorean Tuning, Just Intonation, and Equal Temperament.


Video 5

Intonation Solutions for a cappella Choral Repertoire: Pythagorean Tuning (3-limit), Just Intonation (5-limit), and Equal Temperament Concepts and Applications in Choral Rehearsal By Brian Dehn These videos are part of a project that will show how to effectively perform a cappella repertoire by presenting a system of rehearsal and score study strategies based on the three main tuning systems for vocal music, Pythagorean Tuning, Just Intonation, and Equal Temperament.